Thursday, 30 July 2020


Electronic voice -
#Amazon #Scam

phone call saying "thank you for your order which will be dispatched within 24 hours - your card will be charged £399. If you have not placed this order please ...." at which point HANG UP - if you continue they will ask you for your card nuber, probably, and then YOU WILL LOSE MONEY

Three Mugs

Sunday, 26 July 2020

Covid19 and facemasks

It really puzzles me why "anti-maskers" spend so much time on FB trying to persuade people not to wear a face mask

- I really do not buy into the idea that wearing one is bowing down to government control, defiintely any more than buying a TV license or taking any other government advice

- even though I know our government wants to control us, does tell lies and present false figure, even though i read so-called experts giving contradictory advive and even though masks may not be 100% effective against the virus just like many precautions are not 100% guaranteees.

If weaaing a mask decreases the chances of somebody spreading the virus even by just 5%, even if it does nothing but help other people feel more at ease,

I will wear one as it does no harm to me or anybody else and causes no great discomfort (people with breathing problems and children ten or under do not have to wear one). I will also continue to keep my distance and wash my hands.

Saturday, 18 July 2020

Words of Weed and Wisdom - an anthology of poetry, prose and sketches by UK Cannabis Enthusiasts

Avaailable on Amazon

ISBN 9781916310766
The work of Alun Buffry, Clara O'Donnell, Jacqui Malkin, Jezza Austin, Mars Bilters,
Melissa Doordaughter, Phil Monk, Rocky van de Benderskum, Sarah Dougan and Steve Gook

Published by ABEFreePublishing

All profits to support stopping the persecution of
victimless people for possession or cultivation of cannabis

We the Undersigned Have A Sovereign Right To Cannabis (WTU)

We The Undersigned Have a Human Sovereign Right to Cannabis:Mission Statement

“The acts of possessing, consuming, preparing or cultivatingbothhigh or low THC varieties
of cannabis at home for personal use causes no significant harm to individuals or others.

"People who carry out such activities,causing no harm to others,
in the privacy of their own homes,
should not live in fear of suffering the harms of criminalisation,
as a result ofUK drug policy.

"WTU therefore declare UK drug policy,
in relation to the use, possession, cultivation, preparation and sharing of cannabis
for private, adult purposes, to be incompatible with
the rights to a freedom of consciousness, private life, beliefs and practices,
as defined in the Human Rights Act."

"Everyone has the Right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this Right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others in public or in private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance."

"Freedom to manifest one’s religion or beliefs shall be subject only to such limitations as are prescribed by law and are necessary in a democratic society in the interests of public safety, for the protection of public order, health or morals, or for the protection of the rights and freedoms of others."