Monday, 12 December 2022

What is being offered? A pathway to Peace.

PREM RAWAT offers a PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE of PEACE within inside yourself.

It is not a philosophy, religion, concept or belief.

He does not ask for payment, just that each person gives it a chance and makes the daily effort of practising the four techniques to look within, for an hour of ones time.

He does not ask that anyone believe anything, hold or change a religion. There is no mantra to learn and repeat, simply an experience to have.

Recently, Prem repeated again a promise that he made over 50 years ago: "Give me love and I will give you peace."

The pathway is simple. Prem has created a series on on-line videos, each about 5 minutes long, called PEAK, which people can watch and enjoy at their own pace, on their smart phones or tablets. At the end of the series it is possible to apply for KNOWLEDGE and then simply wait until a Knowledge session is arranged for you to attend. There are also plenty of other videos of Prem speaking available on his YouTube site and the TimelessToday website.

To watch the PEAK series, simply download the TimelessToday app. Open the app and in the drop-down menu top right click on PEAK.

Simply register and watch and enjoy. There is no fee.




  1. What he said is true

  2. I’m very grateful to Prem for for showing me how to find peace, way back in 1973. I still do the practice everyday and it makes all the difference.

  3. Prem Rawat's simple message of peace has allowed me to uncover and experience the single most important aspect of this life. I will always be grateful for the opportunity he has given me.

  4. Melissa Doordaughter22 December 2022 at 15:58

    The tecniques of knowledge have transformed my life.
