Tuesday 7 June 2011

If cannabis is safe, why does it lead to so many suicides?

If cannabis is safe, why does it lead to so many suicides?

Coroner Mairin Casey writes"For some people, smoking cannabis is not that different from having a few pints but, for others, almost from the beginning, it can cause mental health problems."

So why does the law arrest all willy-nilly?

We may as well say that those with problems started on coffee, alcohol or even pills from the pharmacy and then arrest everyone that drinks coffee!

By ending the ban on cannabis, for starters, it will separate the supply from hard drugs AND, more importantly, allow credible point-of-sale information and advice and bring the issue into the open.

When people deal with criminals, problems are inevitable - and, let's face it, cannabis for most users IS a pleasant and safe experience.

In fact,Mairin Casey, cannabis is VERY different to "having a few pints" - alcohol is obviously a far greater risk to personal and social health,m a greater cause of violence and absenteeism, illness and premature death, than cannabis

Yet few would advocate banning it (putting it into criminal hands) because of those that suffer.

CANNABIS IS NOTHING LIKE ALCOHOL OR HARD DRUGS - and taking one without problems does not mean that taking other drugs will not lead to problems that is the message that needs to be broadcast.

The present system suggests that alcohol is safer and that cannabis and hard drugs are of greater risk - which is nonsense.

It's down to the individual.

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