Friday 3 June 2022



First, what don’t I need?

I don’t need people telling me how bad the world is, or that we are doomed with no hope, or telling me about problems that I cannot solve.

I don’t need people, governments or even my own mind telling me what I should do or not do, or should have done or not have done.

I don’t need to do things that I do not “feel” are the right things to do. I don’t need to follow my mind down roads that will lead nowhere, or into trouble, for no good reason.

I don’t need to wallow in misery, despair or fear, mine or somebody else’s.

What I do need is to follow my heart, not just my head.

I need to use my mind and my abilities to achieve something positive, not be led by my thoughts, just like a person driving a horse and trap, he needs to guide the horse where he wants to go, not just let it run wild, unless of course he wants a magical mystery tour and is prepared to face the consequences without moaning about the horse.

I need to try to help people but not those that refuse help. I need to listen but I need to be listened to – we need to learn from each other and acknowledge that there are things we know and things we don’t know, and learn from our mistakes and the mistakes of others.

I need to focus on problems that I can solve, alone or with others, and find satisfaction in those solutions.
I cannot feed the world or bring world peace but I can feed a hungry person or try to help them simply to feel better.

I need to focus on what lifts me up and makes me feel good.

I need to appreciate the good things in my life, past and present, not moan and grumble about the bad or what I don’t have or what others do have. 

Vast fortunes, power, fame and glory, the love or hate of others? Well, just look at the people that have those and ask, are they really happy or are they just exercising their face muscles into smiles. And if they are happy with their lives and what they have, why do they want more?

Sometimes I have thought I’d be better of if I did such and such, or lived in another place even a cave, but I need to accept that those are just thoughts.

And for anyone that is happy and feeling peace, however
achieved, good on them – I need to feel happy for them.

I need to appreciate that I am fortunate enough / lucky / graced to know that there is nothing in this world that will bring lasting peace, joy, clarity and understanding.

I need to acknowledge that when I do feel peace and joy, I feel it inside of me, not as a thought or a wish but as an experience. I need to appreciate that I have been shown how to look for that place where that experience happens, within in side of me. I thank Prem Rawat for that.

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