Thursday 1 August 2019

Letter to Chole Smith MP Norwich North: the Misuse of Drugs Act is often in conflict with Human Rights laws.

Dear Chloe,

I am writing to express my continuing deep concern that the application of the Misuse of Drugs Act is often in conflict with Human Rights laws.

Human Rights guarantee every person the Right to choose their own religion or belief and to practice that belief alone or in the company of others. Human Rights law also guarantee the Right to a Private Life.

The criteria that allows authorities to interfere with those Rights is clearly stipulated in the law; that an activity is against the law is not enough along; the law also demands that such interference must be in the interests of public health or to protect public order or the Rights of others.

My question is: in what way does a person that chooses to grow and consume a plant, in this case cannabis, if they believe such consumption, alone or with others, for any reason, is beneficial or even essential to their well-being, when that person grows or consumes in PRIVATE, pose a risk to anyone?

It can hardly be called a "crime" when there is no harm or risk and no victims, yet a person can be sentenced to up to 14 years in prison for growing cannabis, even if for its their person medicinal or spiritual benefits?

In consideration of the comparison to the harms caused to individuals and communities by alcohol, it seems that the application of the laws against the possession and cultivation of cannabis need some justification as it ruins the lives and alienates so many people annually at great public expense (billions of pounds annually).

I look forward to your reply.

Yours sincerely,

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