Monday 22 May 2023

We choose to avoid cashless restaurants

 Groups of us enjoyed going out for meals and each paid for their own, in cash (anyone using a card could of course do so). Money would be passed along for somebody to pay the bill. Sadly now some of our favorite places such as Bills restaurant, Pizzahut and Yo sushi have been cashless for some time and it's a real bother when 6 people have to pass cash to one person to pay with a card then walk out with over £100 to have to take to their bank, or several people have to get separate bills and use their own cards which still some may not have. So we avoid those restaurants.

Another issue is Norwich council car parks - the few cash machines that take payment do not give change, so £3.60 becomes £4, or else use a contactless card - what is the reasoning behind that.

I also heard that Norwich City College is now completely cashless?

Then consider peopeel such as market traders, window cleaners, small businesses that have to pay to have a machine and now reading about machines that stop working and all of a sudden, the business wants people to use cash again.

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