Wednesday 19 July 2017

My message to Paul Flynn MP after his call for cannabis in parliament protests

I would like to thank you for calling for people to come to Parliament and smoke cannabis, but there are a couple of points that I would like to raise. 
Firstly: will you be joining the protest, not by consuming cannabis (the law is not about consumption per se), but by OPENLY possessing cannabis in an amount that a consumer may have such as 7 to 10 grams, maybe some hash and some oil? 
 Are you aware of the value of cannabis as a preventative measure? 
Are you planning some sort of fund to pay fines and compensation to protesters that get arrested or have their cannabis confiscated? 
What about repeat offenders, those that ay defy a court order banning them from Parliament? 
If poeple are locked up, what support will you be able to give?
The law, which does not distinguish between consumers (medical, religious or others), should be fought without such distinctions so that law applies equally to all adults subect to "no victim or threat) and consistent with Human Rights law. It must not become a medicinal cannabis usesr event only.

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