Monday 16 May 2022

Some questions about CanCard

Cancard did say they would fund defenses / court cases - has anyone heard of that happening? If not or even just a few and if they restrict that offer to people who pay for a cancard, why? 

Surely with that sort of money in the bank they could fund a defence team to help anyone busted for possession, as Outlaw claims to be doing and has done. 

And if that money, those millions, are not being spent on that, don't you think it's time Cancard told us where the money is being held and where it is going. 

Also don't you think it's time they reduced their fees for a card. . 

If there are millions of people consuming cannabis, if we accept that even so-called recreational use has therapeutic / preventative properties, Cancard should by now be in a position to give cards out at cost. 

And why do the cards need to be renewed annually. 

There is little sign of generosity in Cancard or in fact in the so-called canna-community in general. 

If decriminalisation happens, Cancard will become defunct - consider that carefully.

You decide.


Cancard Update video on Facebook

Cancard a Scamcard

 Interview with Cardcard

 UK Medical Cannabis Card Update

A Year After Cancard.  How Did it Go?

 Carly Barton (Carly's Amnesty, Cancard) x CDPRG

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